Step 1

Give the name of your instagram account to your webmaster and wait until he/she says you are good to go, when he/she does, go to step 2.

<aside> 💡 Your profile needs to be public!


Step 2

You will receive an tester invite in instagram that you will have to accept.

You can accept this by browsing to the following URL: (If you aren't logged in already you will need to log in with your account)

On that page, you will have a tab TESTER INVITES where you will see an invitation of the app that your webmaster created. In this example: SocialFeedWidget, accept this invite.

Step 3

Once you accepted the testers invite you can go to your site and you will find a link to link your instagram account with your website.

You will find this link in a place specified by your webmaster. Probably under site settings.

Give permission to your website to read your instagram.

When done you will be redirect to your homepage and you will see that the instagram link is activated.

The instagram pictures will be updated on a specific frequency set by your webmaster. We recommend 30 or 60 minutes so you won't reach your instagram rate limit.